This Popular Food Might Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Samantha Brown

Many people around the world eat yogurt every day. It’s known for having a creamy taste and probiotics that are good for your gut. But did you know that eating yogurt every day might make you less likely to get colon cancer?

In a new study, the type of good bacteria called Bifidobacterium was used to look at how long-term yogurt consumption affects the risk of getting this type of cancer. You might be shocked by what they found.

What Is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer, or CRC, is a very bad disease that affects the colon or rectum. It is one of the most common types of cancer in the world, and your food, lifestyle, and genes can all affect your risk.

Scientists have been looking for ways to stop CRC, and food has become one of the most important ones.

The Role of Yogurt in Gut Health

Live bacteria called probiotics are found in yogurt and help keep your gut healthy.

Bifidobacterium is one of the most important probiotics in yogurt. This bacteria is thought to help with digestion, boost the immune system, and even protect against dangerous microbes.

Researchers have been wondering if yogurt, especially the probiotics it has, can help avoid colorectal cancer because it has so many health benefits.

What Did the Study Find?

Researchers looked at information from more than 130,000 people in the US who tracked how much yogurt they ate over time.

They found more than 3,000 cases of colon cancer and looked into whether the amount of Bifidobacterium in the tumors was linked to these cases.

People who ate at least two servings of yogurt a week had a lower chance of getting a certain type of colorectal cancer.

This was true for people whose bodies had a lot of Bifidobacterium. People who ate less than one serving of yogurt a month, on the other hand, did not benefit significantly from it.

It was interesting that the study found that eating yogurt didn’t have a big effect on cancer when Bifidobacterium wasn’t present. This means that yogurt may help avoid some types of colorectal cancer more than others.

Why Does This Happen?

The researchers believe that Bifidobacterium plays a major role in preventing cancer by:

  • Strengthening the gut barrier: Preventing harmful substances from damaging the intestines.
  • Reducing inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a known risk factor for cancer.
  • Producing beneficial compounds: Bifidobacterium creates short-chain fatty acids, which may help prevent cancer cell growth.
  • Balancing gut bacteria: A healthy gut microbiome helps fight off harmful bacteria that may contribute to cancer development.

Who Can Benefit the Most?

The study found that yogurt was most effective at protecting against cancers in the proximal colon, which is the first part of the large intestine.

People who ate a lot of fiber, vitamin D, and calcium seemed to gain even more from yogurt. The chance of distal colon or rectal cancer, on the other hand, did not go down with yogurt consumption.

To put it another way, yogurt is not a magic bullet that will protect everyone from colon cancer.

How Much Yogurt Should You Eat?

People with Bifidobacterium-rich tumors may be less likely to get colorectal cancer if they eat at least two meals per week, according to the study.

However, eating yogurt alone is not enough. For good gut health, you also need to eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and fiber.

What Type of Yogurt Is Best?

Not all yogurts are created equal. If you want to get the maximum health benefits, here are a few tips:

  • Choose probiotic-rich yogurts: Look for yogurts that contain live and active cultures, especially Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
  • Avoid added sugars: Many flavored yogurts contain high amounts of sugar, which can counteract the health benefits.
  • Opt for plain or Greek yogurt: These options tend to have more probiotics and protein.
  • Consider dairy-free options: If you are lactose intolerant, choose plant-based yogurts that contain probiotics.

Final Thoughts: Should You Eat More Yogurt?

According to this study, eating yogurt on a daily basis may help lower the risk of getting some types of colorectal cancer.

Adding yogurt to your diet is an easy and healthy way to support gut health, but more study needs to be done to fully understand the link.

Yogurt by itself is not a miracle cure, though. The best way to lower your chance of getting cancer is still to live a healthy life with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and regular medical checkups.

When you go to the store next, pick up a tub of yogurt that is high in probiotics. It might be a small step toward a healthy future!

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RDN Samantha Brown has over 5 years of experience. Her Dietetic Internship at UC Davis Medical Center followed her Bachelor of Nutrition from Princeton University. Samantha is passionate about tailored dietary regimens for optimal health. Weight management, sports nutrition, and chronic disease management are her specialties. She offers nutrition classes and workshops in addition to one-on-one coaching. She continues her studies with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Samantha thinks small, sustainable food modifications can improve health and well-being.
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