Feel like you're always tired or have strange cravings? This could mean that your body doesn't have enough iron. ย
If you're always tired, don't have much energy, or just feel...blah, you might have iron deficiency anemia. ย
Iron is needed to make hemoglobin, which is what gives blood its red color. If you don't have enough iron in your body, your skin may look darker than usual. ย
It can be hard for your body to carry air when you don't have enough iron. This can make you feel out of breath, especially when you're moving around. ย
When you don't get enough iron, your heart has to work harder to carry oxygen to your cells. This can make your beating fast or non-stable. ย
It is very important for the defense system to have enough iron, and if you don't have enough, you are more likely to get sick. ย
Your hair may fall out or get thin if you don't get enough iron. Your nails may also become brittle and spoon-shaped. ย
If someone does not have enough iron in their body, they might start to crave things like ice, dirt, or paper that are not food. This state is known as pica. ย